Wonderful things come in furry packages
Testimonials .... Thank You to our beautiful doodle families for sharing their lovely stories, beautiful photos and updates. Big hugs to all our doodles from us xoxo

Hi Kaylene
Bowie is the most delightful cruisy dog.
He just goes with the flow. He’s playful enough to entertain the kids for a bit but then he goes off into his favourite spots around the house for a nap.
We are so thankful to have found him.
Many thanks
The Lockyer Family
Hi Kaylene,
Just wanted to say a big thank you. Winnie is the most beautiful puppy. We can tell she has been living in a loving environment. She has a beautiful temperament and is already a much loved member of our family.
Our son Henry adores her, and she gets along well with our other dog Charlie!
We will send you an update in a few months when she’s really settled in.
Thanks again!
Jamie & Mick.
Hi Kaylene,
Just another update, I can’t express how much joy Watsen has bought into our lives . He has grown so quickly , but not a day goes by that we don’t enjoy his gentle, laid back, comical ways . We are convinced he doesn’t realise he is a dog. He is very intelligent, only ever barks at strange noises or voices, very affectionate and absolutely loves chasing the soccer balls. We are bias , but think he is just the absolute best. Anyway , thank you again. I hope you enjoy the photos and knowing he is a very loved.

Hey Kaylene,
Hope you are well! A quick email and give you an update on our gorgeous Ziggy girl! She’s been home with us 6 weeks and we have no idea what we ever did without her!!! She loves exploring new places, playing tug & sleeping the hours away...she has such a beautiful temperament & is growing bigger by the day!!! I’ve found myself referring back to all your notes a lot, they are so helpful, I really appreciate the effort you go to to provide all that info!

Hi Kaylene
Teddy is an absolute treasure. We can’t go anywhere without people coming up to him and asking where we got him. He is infatuated with balls, has a constant smile on his face, loves his family and is so loved. His Instagram account is : teddy_oddle
He loves giving strangers hugs. It’s quite unusual as dogs don’t tend to stray far from their owners but Ted wants to hog people. No resistance whatsoever. And when he hugs, he smiles. He’s a special dog and I thank you so much for giving him to us.
Leesa x
Hi Kaylene,
That first day home he was shy and quiet and he defaults to that when there’s something or someone new around but otherwise he’s a bouncing, playful, chewing puppy. Absolutely gorgeous! Around 9pm that first night he came out of his shell and got into playing with us and exploring the house.
He’s loving playing with the kids. He’s trying hard to get Max (the 7yo labradoodle) to play but hasn’t had any luck so far. Max ignores him quite a bit or rouses on him when he barks but they do often sit next to each other on a big dog bed and Max sneaks in some sniffs of him so I’m hopeful they’ll get there.
Thank-you so much for the idea of the synthetic grass – both in your puppy area and at our house. Toilet training has been so easy! He knows the words ‘outside’ and ‘quick quick’ and is super keen to please us. More often that not, he’ll whine and ask us to go outside when he needs to or if he can’t, he’ll use the grass matt inside. One of my friends recently got a puppy and she asked how toilet training was going. I said that we’d had 2 accidents in 5 days. She said “What!! We were having 2 an hour!”
He’s getting lots of love and hugs!

Hi Kaylene
In the time we have had Obi, he is the most smart fun goofy chilled out best friend we could have asked for. We love him to bits. He loves the boys. He is so gentle with them. Cameron has no reaction with him (allergies) either.
I take him to training as many weeks as I can. He is now in 1E the end on the junior classes. Won't be long before he graduates to the senior classes.
Thankyou for helping us have the best dog for our family.
I have attached a few photos for you to see.
Kind Regards
Western Australia
Hi Kaylene,
She has settled in sooo well! She is an absolute delight. We are so thankful. She is such a calm and cuddly little thing. You can tell she has come from a home of love! Thank you for all the info it’s made the transition so smooth.
We had such a smooth sailing first night. She slept straight through till 6:15 in her crate in our room. And then went back to sleep after the toilet.
We have loved our full day with her. She has been meeting lots of people and having LOTS of naps. Hubby and her had a big nap together this afternoon!
We honestly can’t thank you enough! You do a WONDERFUL job!

Hi Kaylene,
I just wanted to shoot a quick email to say thank you so much for our little treasure “Ella”.
Her temperament is just beautiful. I am surprised every single day at just how calm and relaxed she is yet so adventurous and clever (she got in the shower with me last night and was quite pleased with herself). Truly a blessing. Everyone who has met her has marvelled just as I do.
Alex and I are so excited to have an amazing life with her. We have even joked (I’m not joking hehe) about giving Ella a sibling in the future at some point. We are just so happy.
Best wishes,

Hi Kaylene,
Louis is exactly the type of dog I was after. He is such a character & best buddies with my other labradoodle. Louis has such great social skills, is known as the ‘life of the party at doggy day care’ & loves rough housing! Even dogs that are not overly friendly seem to be won over by him.
He gets two walks every day & loves swimming in Lake Jindabyne. He also likes his weekly runs - the blue harness helps mum to keep up😀.
I can’t thank you enough for my wonderful Louis & would highly recommend you to anyone considering getting a labradoodle.
Jindabyne NSW

Hi Kaylene
An update you on Gertrude who we got from you in January 2020. She was yellow ribbon from Vada’s first litter and my goodness she is the absolute love of our lives. She makes us all smile every single minute of the day and we would be so lost without her. House trained, sitting, dropping and shaking hands all within a week. So smart. Too smart sometimes. Gets away with murder with just one glance at me. She honestly is the best thing to happen to me since I had my girls. We adore her. She is the sweetest, funniest, nicest natured dog we have ever had. And so pretty. So just wanted to say thank you and tell you how much we appreciate the gorgeous girl you gave us and how much we love her. She’s sleeping on my legs in our bed as we speak. And I can’t move at all and wouldn’t have it any other way! So thanks again Kaylene. She’s the best! Kind regards Janet SA

Hi Kaylene,
I just wanted to thank you for bringing Jenna into our lives, she is the best thing that happened to us for a while. She is loving, pretty, adorable and a lots of fun while being very obedient, clever and full of energy.My husband, me and our 2 boys just love her to bits, she is the perfect dog for us!
You recommended her as the puppy with the best matching character and you were so right!
She is completely unfazed by the boys antics, noise and activity. From the word go she was very composed, loving and so easy to train. She could be fast asleep and my 8-year old son could jump over the sofa, landing right in front of her and she would just open her eyes, lick his face and go back to sleep. Unbelievable for a puppy her age!
Within 2 weeks she was mostly toilet trained and responded to her name, sitting when asked and confining her mouthing very effectively to the toys she had. Being a relative novice to dog ownership I could not wish for an easier dog to learn on.
We can't wait every morning to greet her, feel the joy that radiates from her when she is reunited with us after a night outside. She is happy to take herself out to her kennel but, oh the joy to see us again! The boys can't resist the exuberance and delight she displays at the sight of them!
If only there were no school and they could play ball and cuddle all day! She makes us laugh every day and is the perfect companion for the beach, the outdoors and the living room & she is beautiful, at least for the time between her bath and the next swim!
Her perfect day would be spend with us at the beach with lots of other kids and dogs to play with. In fact, she convinced us that we will have to have another dog like her. So we are going to have one of her sister's puppies that will be born in September. How can we go wrong with a relative of hers!
We can't wait to meet the latest addition to our clan.

Ollie is nearly 22 months old and we love him to bits. He is extremely sociable, loves to make up games, loves to play, loves going to the dog park chasing and wrestling with his mates. He loves being with us and is so happy now that Laurie has retired and we can all go places together. It still amazes me how well he can communicate with us. He has been easy to train, he's kinda goofy and makes us laugh, he's easy going and very good natured. He is super smart and has done a great job of training his humans.
When we expressed our desire to purchase a chocolate pup from Sands, it was like waiting for any new arrival. The announcement of the expected due date, arrival day, getting matched with our perfect pup, getting to know our little guy week by week with the photo updates,the unfolding personality of our little dood, then finally...Pick up day! Kaylene was prompt, helpful and extremely devoted to her furbabies and was most particular about pups going to the right families and with the best environments for the pups to thrive. Our little dood, Credence has been an absolute joy and makes us laugh a dozen times on any given day. He is smart and energetic and can mix it up with the roughest and toughest and smallest and shyest at the dog park. We live on the Gold Coast and he enjoys beach walks and swims and any walk is always a social event as adoration and compliments are given freely from everyone that passes. He has a high play drive but is a perfect gentleman when it comes to dinner. Waiting patiently and giving high five before treats of chicken necks at breakfast time. Not that we are complaining, but he's only fault is that he thinks he is a lap dog and at 23kg is a lot of dog on the average lap.
Thank you

A pic of Harvey at the puppy school graduation lol. By the way, we will be enrolling him in obedience training. The instructor came to the final puppy school class to discuss obedience training and commented on how impressed he was with Harvey. He actually said he'd not seen a puppy that responsive and attentive in a very long time. We were proud as punch😀😀 Justina
Hi Kaylene,
Ollie is doing really well. He is such a Wally! He loves to spend every minute of the day with us either sitting on our feet or our laps.
He can now sit, drop, shake and roll-over. He has passed Puppy Preschool at our local vet and is now attending Puppy Playschool.
Ollie is fitting in beautifully, he is very submissive and fun to play with. He loves his stuffed toys. He is very social.
Ollie now sits at the door waiting to be let out to do his business, we
call this toilet trained. He sleeps in his crate at night in our lounge
near the fire.
We love him and everyone who meets him loves him.
Thanks Kaylene for our beautiful little boy.
Kind regards


Pippa Wilson Litter 1

Pippa Wilson Litter 1

Pippa Wilson Litter 1

Pippa Wilson Litter 1
For a person that was not a "Dog person" I was very hesitant about getting a dog !! But for the sake of my 4 young children constantly begging me I did some research (we all have allergies) and found this dog called a labradoodle. After weeks of reading information online, asking owners if I saw one out and about, I contacted Kaylene and decided to take the plunge.
Well, I tell you it has been one of the best decisions I have made so far in my life. Max is what we called him & he has been the best, let me emphasise, the' BEST' dog ever. He is the most loving, affectionate guy he just wants to be with or near you whenever he can. He loves playing with the kids all the time especially loves school drop off and pick up, the whole school knows Max !! He was easy to train, is well behaved, does not shed any hair, doesn't smell and is just the cutest ever. If I had to recommend Kaylene's labradoodle's to anyone thinking about it, I would say 'do it', they are the most beautiful dog's !!
Elisha & Kids
We just wanted to reach out and say a big Thank you for giving our little Sammy the absolute best start in life!!! You raised such a confident and happy boy! He approaches the world and the people in it with a full heart and absolute certainty that he will be met with nothing but love! This is thanks to the amazing time he had with you and the time and energy you put into your pups!!! A number of people have commented on his looks and his behaviour and asked me where I got him! We could not recommend you more Kay!! These pups are like your little babies and we are so so so happy we found you and Sammy! My Aunt in law is now lining up to add one of your gorgeous pups to her family! :)Ester & Michael
Hi Kay! We got our pup Sammy from you in 2015 and 5 weeks ago we had a baby! Sammy is just so beautiful with Oscar that I just had to share this with you! He just follows him around! Kisses him if he cries and hangs with him while he does tummy time! Labradoodles are the best family Pets!
Eszter & Michael

Pippa & Wilson (Litter 2)

Pippa & Wilson (Litter 2)

Pippa & Wilson (Litter 2)

Pippa & Wilson (Litter 2)
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Stella (aka Stell Belle or Big Trouble in Little China Girl) has been with us for 9 weeks and I can’t imagine life without her! We feel very blessed to have her. She is beautiful, tolerant, sociable and very easy to train. There’s nothing that phases her and she just takes everything in her stride. The way she looks at me just melts my heart. She’s never far from my side and she’s so excited to see us at the end of the day, but then she settles beautifully. The vet was very impressed with her quality and she had such a wonderful time at puppy school! I’ve very quickly become a Labradoodle and SandS advocate! Thank you for our beautiful girl!
Kirsten, Darren and Hayden x

Today I went for an hour's private assessment with a trainer from Carat Training (Clothier Animal Response Assessment Tool (CARAT) as I was worried my mental illness might be impacting negatively on Captain Jack & I wanted the trainer to give me an outside view. She says no worries there, but I thought you'd like to know that despite me being a terrible trainer, she says Jack is one of the best examples of a perfect emotional support service dog she has seen. Stable, affectionate, friendly, sociable, smart & eager to learn. She wanted to know who had bred him & says she will probably be using him as an example in her lectures for a long time to come. And if anyone bad mouths labradoodles to her now, she will tell them about Captain Jack! Jo
Millie (Sands Apple Litter)
I thought I would send you an update and a couple of photos of Millie.
Firstly, she is the funniest dog I think I have ever owned. While Luca is funny, he is very rules orientated. Millie’s zest for life overcomes what he considers as the rules boundaries. They are a bit like the ying and yang of each other and get along very well.
I remember you mentioning her mum being ball obsessed. Millie is play obsessed but particularly loves balls as she has taught herself to throw them to you. She is doing ok at obedience, though loose interest so I spend a lot of the class adding in extra for her as just waiting isn’t fun. We have recently started them on agility which I think she will love. She enjoys the fact that it is more constant movement and she is learning at a faster pace.
I am looking into fly ball for her as I think she would love it.
Millie is an incredibly affectionate dog and almost melts into you when you pick her up. She flops her body against you and lays her head over your shoulder.
She loves playing “rugby” in the backyard with the boys, swimming, running and really anything she can do with you. She is also very happy to chill. She also is the only dog I have seen sit while having all 4 paws in a row. She also manages to stand looking like she is in 1st position for ballet.
Anyway, thank you again for such a gorgeous girl. Kirralee
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Frankie (Sands Scout Litter)
Just thought I would touch base and let you know how our beautiful Frankie is going.
Well all I can really say is Frankie has become an absolute joy in our lives. He is super smart and has absolutely thrived with training and puppy preschool, and we start an adolescent training class with him next week. We have done crate training with him, and not only did he become toilet trained so quickly (holding on all night easily a few weeks in), he also absolutely loves it and goes in there to cuddle up with his favourite tiger toy and his ice brick whenever he can. He is also getting so good on our morning walks, listening to us and heeling even when the traffic is loud and there are birds on the path in front of him. He also loves the car and is more than happy to sit in the back by himself and chill out, waiting to see what adventure we’re going on. We’ve been trying to take him with us to friends houses, cafes, parks etc etc etc anywhere we can, and he’s been so cool, calm and collected in every situation- such an easy pup. He is also so cuddly and when you sit on the floor he comes and curls up in your lap so naturally, and loves being touched everywhere and scratches on the belly. He also follows us around the house wherever we go and just sits next to us whenever he can. He’s also getting really good at playing fetch with the ball in our backyard, and my lord is he moving quick. He also loves ‘helping’ with watering the garden,and playing in his paddle pool. He’s finished with all his vaccines now, and each time he’s been to the vet he’s been a very brave boy, and the vets have been saying how beautiful his temperament is. Overall, he is bringing so much fun to our lives, and we are constantly amazed by how smart, beautiful and easy he is. Never met such a wonderful puppy.
I have also attached a few of the thousands of pictures we have of him haha.
Hope all is well with you,and thank you so much for gifting us our beautiful boy.
Anyway, thank you again for such a gorgeous boy.
P Thomas.
Nellie (Gossip Girl Litter 2)
Hi Kaylene
​I took Nellie to the vet today for her vaccination. He is fairly senior vet and has a lot of experience. He congratulated me on my choice of breeder! He said Nellie was calm, relaxed and of ‘great stock’. He said your documentation was thorough and she was a ‘real little beauty’ - seems to have a perfect bite, hips etc. He said he sees all sorts of puppies with problems from unreliable breeders! In fact 2 puppies before us – he told the owner to return it to the breeder …. So sad.
So thank you again – I did write this on your Facebook page as I truly am so grateful.
I am loving the photos of your new little pups :) good luck and hope you get some sleep!

Hi Kaylene
Hope this email finds you well.
Just wanted to let you know that Sophie arrived safely last Thursday and thankfully she had no problems with the two hour car ride home. She didn’t eat much the first night but the next day we added warm water to the kibble and a chicken neck and her appetite soon picked up! We introduced her to the crate and although she wasn’t initially impressed she now sleeps there and also wanders in and out during the daytime.
Last Saturday our vet examined Sophie and gave her the all clear.
Our family and neighbours have all met Sophie and had lots of cuddles. We also carried her through the local markets the other day with all the noise and people and she had no problems. Sophie is a very much loved member of our family, she’s a beautiful puppy with a great temperament one minute bouncing around our yard so full of fun and mischief the next curling up on our feet.
Warm regards
Kathleen MacLellan